Tech Startup Community
We are a community of entrepreneurs who share a common goal - to build successful companies
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Ad read by me, in the middle of the audio podcast episode. Includes the description, link, and promo code in the show notes.
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Ad read by me, in the middle of the podcast episode. Includes the description, link, and promo code in the show notes. Get a great discount when you buy a bundle of 4 podcast episodes.
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Let's work together
We'll add your job opening to our job board on Discord, where you'll gain much more visibility. We'll also promote it through the community and give you a job poster role.
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We'll post your message in front of the entire community (in our sponsors channel), but will not ping everyone in the community. We'll also give you the sponsor role on Discord.
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We'll post your message in front of the entire community (in our sponsors channel), sending them a notification. We'll also give you the sponsor role on Discord.
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With your help, we'll host an event within our community around your startup. You'll also get a super sponsor role and an @everyone announcement. Finally, we will add you to our website, Twitter and LinkedIn.
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