About me
👋 Hey, I'm Nick, Author of the #SEOForLunch newsletter, freelance SEO consultant, and owner of the boutique SEO job board, SEOJobs.com.
Read more about me at the bottom of this page...
Previous partnerships
Selected companies I have worked with
Sponsorship example
An example of what your Sponsorship might look like in the newsletter.
What do we need from you?
Title/Header (5-8 words on average)
Body copy: (60-100 words on average)
Call-to-action: (3-6 words on average)
Banner image: (900x400px)
link URL: (UTMs will be auto-assigned)
How it works
Submit your request for your selected product and date(s)
Booking confirmation
Invoice & Payment
Share your creative assets and copy
The ad goes live
Right of Refusal
Nick maintains full control of the #SEOForLunch and partners with individuals and companies who bring added value to its audience.
Nick reserves the right to...
Reject sponsorship requests
Request a demo/access to what is being promoted.
Modify copy (with permission)
Learn MORE about me
Hi again, I'm still Nick but I'm here to share a bit more information about myself.
I've been in the SEO game since 2009 which puts me just shy of 15 years of experience. I worked the first ten years of my career at various digital marketing agencies in and around St Paul/Minneapolis, MN area.
in 2020 my position was eliminated due to COVID. I had decided at that time that I would roll the dice on something I had been dreaming of for years... Freelancing full-time.
It's now 2023 and I'm rolling into my fourth year of freelancing. It's been one of the best decisions I've made.
Freelancing has allowed me to double down on my client work in addition to two special projects. The #SEOForLunch newsletter and my boutique SEO jobs board over at SEOJobs.com.
I'm excited to hear from the companies who wish to partner and sponsor the newsletter.
The #SEOForLunch is only going to get bigger and better with time!
~ Nick
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