Horizon Search

Interviewing founders, innovators & leaders worldwide to unlock global insights.

About me

👋 Hey, I'm David Lovejoy, Founder and Chief Content Curator for Horizon Search—a media platform featuring a podcast, magazine, blog, and newsletter. I speak with academics, entrepreneurs, executives, and investors around the world to share their stories and insights and inspire and empower the global business community.

On this page, you'll find sponsorship and advertising opportunities to reach an engaged audience of business leaders, innovators, and thinkers who are interested in lifelong learning, global connection, discovery and growth.

Listen to my latest podcast episode

Direct access to the podcast, where you can hear some of the most interesting stories and opportunities in the global business community.

What do we need from you?

  • Title: 2-5 short sentences

  • Description: what is your product?

  • Image: 1400x700

  • CTA text: call to action text on button

How it works

  1. Submit your request for your selected product and date(s)

  2. Booking confirmation

  3. Invoice & Payment

  4. Share your creative assets and copy

  5. The ad goes live

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