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Creator Gallery
We're proud to support a diverse community of creators. Explore their storefronts below to get inspired!
Gold Standard
Marketing & Design
Productivity & Personal Development
Tech & Business
Artificial Intelligence
Froot Salad!
Gold Standard
Graham Stephan
As a 30 year old real estate agent and investor who started working in real estate shortly after turning 18, with over $120,000,000 in residential real estate sales since 2008.
Marina Mogilko
International Influencer Linguamarina Inc. creating content on business, education, languages and lifestyle | Co-founder at Linguatrip, 🚀
The most read newsletter by AI professionals with over 200,000+ AI researchers, engineers, and data scientists.
Houck's Newsletter
Where founders come for advice. Weekly posts to help founders build, grow, and raise capital for their startup.
Marketing & Design
Rachael Higgins
With 80k+ followers on LinkedIn, Rachael Higgins is the Founder of Because of Marketing, a marketing publication.
Mitchell Clements
Senior Product Design Manager with over 8+ years of leadership experience. Sharing insights with 48K+ designers on Linkedin.
One Skill PowerPoint
Passionate PowerPoint designer creating some of the most popular PowerPoint tutorials on YouTube for 10+ years. 788K+ YouTube Subscribers
Kate Syuma
Growthmates unpacks first-handed grow stories from people behind the greatest products like Notion, Canva, Loom, Dropbox, Amplitude, and more.
Productivity & Personal
Christian Ray Flores
His podcast and newsletter deliver raw insights and engaging conversations with top experts and high performers.
Rokeebat Olamide Hammed
Sharing study tips, productivity hacks, personal development insights, and career clarity for higher education students and early-career professionals.
Radha Shrivastava
Empowering the next generation to navigate their paths with confidence and clarity.
Cameron Galbraith
Educating and inspiring the next generation of business leaders to find success in their lives professionally, academically, and financially
Tech & Business
Productify focuses on deep dive case studies on the how the best in tech build products, how they grow and what insights it brings.
Actionable insights for founders. A highly engaged audience of startup founders and venture builders.
Kevin Naughton Jr.
Software engineer at Google, dedicated to empowering fellow engineers to achieve their career aspirations.
Automation Helpers
Sharing insights on how busy business owners can streamline operations using no-code tools.
Artificial Intelligence
Aurimas Griciūnas
creating and sharing content on LinkedIn and SwirlAI newsletter. The readers are a blend of Data Engineering and AI specialists and leaders.
Richard Foster-Fletcher
Leading authority in artificial intelligence foresight and strategy, recognised as an AI Advisor, Author, Speaker, and LinkedIn Top Voice.
A social media creator focused on AI, sharing tutorials, tools, and the latest developments in the AI world.
Froot Salad!
Patrick Dang
Topics on how to start a career in sales, business development, lead generation, cold email, LinkedIn, cold calling, and sales skills.
The Influential Project Manager
Newsletter reaching construction project managers, leaders, and execs.
Brett Hampson
Founder of Forecasting Performance. Teaching FP&A best practices to finance leaders.
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How Masters of Work runs their productivity newsletter ads business on Passionfroot
Masters of Work is an AI and productivity newsletter focused on sharing tools and tricks to help people automate...
Chief Growth Officer
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How Superpower Daily makes 5 figures with Passionfroot
Superpower Daily is a ChatGPT extension and daily newsletter, offering the latest in AI news, tools, and...
Chief Growth Officer
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How Superhuman built the largest newsletter ads business in AI with Passionfroot
Superhuman is one of the biggest and fastest-growing AI newsletters globally, helping over 450,000 readers from...
Chief Growth Officer