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Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn Influencer Marketing

Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn Influencer Marketing

Forbes called influencer marketing “one of the marketing industry’s most significant transformations of the modern era” and we are in total agreement with it. The rise in social media platforms has birthed industry thought leaders at an exponential rate. In the 2020 report, only 34% of marketers said they used influencer marketing, that number has now grown to 85% in 2023.

While platforms like Instagram and TikTok were on every marketing expert's list, LinkedIn has recently emerged as an upcoming growth channel for B2B companies.

Being a professional platform where people come to grow their personal brand and look for valuable insights, thought leaders on LinkedIn have had a significant impact on helping businesses reach their target audience. It's not just about celebrity endorsements or sponsored posts; it's about forging meaningful connections that resonate with your professional network.

Let's dive deeper and see how LinkedIn is changing the world of B2B Influencer Marketing.

The Power of B2B LinkedIn Influencers

We are living in a digital world. Gone are the days when people looked at flyers and billboards to find new products. Now you can reach a global audience via b2b creators with real influence.

Sounds like a dream right? Well, with pros like these, there are difficulties too. Over the years, various social media platforms have become overcrowded with influencers - this changed when LinkedIn transformed from a simple professional networking site to a content-creation platform.

This shift began in earnest with the introduction of LinkedIn's publishing platform in 2014 and further with features like LinkedIn Top Voices in 2015. As a result, we've seen the emergence of influential voices across various various sectors. These influencers range from CEOs and entrepreneurs to industry experts who regularly share valuable content and spark discussions.

Who are B2B LinkedIn Influencers?

Think of B2B LinkedIn influencers as the leading voices of the professional world. LinkedIn influencers are professionals or full-time creators who have built a following on LinkedIn from their expertise in a specific domain. They include AI researchers sharing insights on the latest trends, marketing experts discussing growth strategies, former product leads sharing how to build product, and many more.

These aren't necessarily celebrities with millions of followers. In fact, they can be micro-influencers with smaller yet highly engaged audiences.

Take Justin Welsh, for instance. His insightful videos about business strategies and personal development have created a community of like-minded people. His influence has caught the attention of millions of people. That's the power of a B2B LinkedIn influencer!

Is B2B LinkedIn Influencer Marketing beneficial?

LinkedIn influencers have found a way to cut through the noise, offering authentic voices that professionals trust. They're not just promoting your brand; they're sparking conversations, sharing valuable insights, and building credibility – all of which are golden in the B2B influencer marketing world.

People like Neil Patel, Sallie Krawcheck and many more have opened up new gates for marketers. LinkedIn is currently undergoing such strong organic growth from a low base that getting solid reach on your content - when done right - is cheaper than any other channel. Check out Growth Expert Cody Schneider’s success on Linkedin below:

So now is the time - what are the benefits? Here are the key benefits of B2B Linkedin Influencer Marketing:

Increased brand awareness: When an influencer mentions your brand, you're instantly exposed to their entire network. It's like getting a VIP pass to a room full of potential clients.

Enhanced credibility and trust: Influencers have spent years building trust with their audience. When they vouch for your brand, some of that trust rubs off on you. Moreover, LinkedIn is a place where people come for professional development making it a sweet spot for social selling

Lead generation and sales opportunities: B2B buyers are increasingly turning to social media for purchasing decisions. An influencer's endorsement can be the nudge that turns a curious prospect into a qualified lead. Strategies like a limited-time offer, 24-hour giveaway and even "tag someone who would like this" do wonders with the LinkedIn algorithm.

High Returns: If you're looking to amplify your professional voice, LinkedIn is a goldmine of opportunities. The platform's algorithm favours engaging content, allowing influencer posts to gain visibility far beyond their initial network. By working with LinkedIn voices in your industry, your campaigns can deliver results that go above and beyond your expectations.

From its role in content distribution to its effectiveness in reaching a wide audience, LinkedIn offers distinct advantages for B2B marketing strategies. The platform's content dynamics, including user engagement patterns and multiple content types, provide a gold mine for opportunities. But don't just take our word for it. About 78% of B2B marketers rate LinkedIn as the most effective social media platform for influencer content marketing.

Criteria for Selecting B2B LinkedIn Influencers

Before picking a LinkedIn profile of an influencer, start by defining your goals. Are you looking to boost brand awareness, generate leads, or establish thought leadership? Your objectives will guide your influencer search.

Next, once you have your goals, you’ll need to use a discovery tool to search for creators that fit your criteria. Here we suggest Passionfroot. With a wide range of choices, you can leverage the platform to find just the right match professionals in your industry. You can reach out to creators, track your workflows, and sit back to see your campaigns flourish.

Pro tip: Don't just chase the big numbers. Sometimes, a micro-influencer with a smaller but highly engaged audience can deliver better results than a macro-influencer with millions of followers.

When evaluating potential influencers, you should also consider factors like:

Relevance: Does their expertise align with your industry and target audience?

Engagement: Do their posts generate meaningful discussions and interactions?

Values: Do they share your brand's values and ethos?

Content quality: Is their content informative, well-presented, and has a unique perspective?

Authenticity: Do they have a genuine voice that resonates with their audience?

Remember, the goal is to find influencers who can authentically represent your brand and provide a unique perspective in reaching your target audience.

How to Find LinkedIn Influencers

LinkedIn's own search function is a great way to find your people. You can use filters to narrow down professionals by industry, location, and keywords. However, it can become tiring to look for someone who can provide valuable insights and also expensive as with a free account LinkedIn allows only 1000 searches.

If you’re lucky enough to find the creators through the searches, you’ll find it hard to get a word with them. Their DMs are usually crowded with similar requests and InMails are often rejected.

In times like these, you need to stand out and use tools built specifically for reaching out to creators for sponsorships / paid partnerships.

Looking to supercharge your B2B influencer marketing? These powerhouse platforms have got your back:

  1. Passionfroot

These tools don't just simplify your search – they're game-changers for your entire marketing strategy.

Our top pick? Passionfroot. It's a direct line to influencers' inboxes, increasing your response rates and speed. When you're aiming to scale your creator collaborations, that kind of efficiency is pure gold.

Best Practices for Collaboration

Now that you've found your ideal influencers, how do you approach them? Here are some best practices:

How to reach out to Linkedin Influencers

When you reach out, personalize your message. Explain why you admire their work and how a partnership could be mutually beneficial - and also include what your timeline is so they prioritize you accordingly.

Negotiating terms and contracts with LinkedIn influencers

Be clear about your expectations and what you're offering in return. This could be monetary compensation, product access, or other value-adds like exposure to your network. When finalizing your negotiation, make sure to have a simple Statement of Work that both parties can sign.

Provide a creative briefing:

Collaborate on content that aligns with both your brand message and the influencer's expertise. This could be a joint webinar, a co-authored white paper, or a series of LinkedIn posts. A great brief gives influencers enough info to hit the mark while still leaving room for their unique voice

Remember, successful influencer partnerships are built on mutual respect and shared goals. It's not just about what the influencer can do for you, but how you can add value to their brand as well.

Case Study:

Adobe Experience Cloud demonstrated the power of strategic influencer marketing in the B2B space with a campaign that hit all the right notes. Instead of casting a wide net, they honed in on influencers who truly resonated with their target audience.

The secret? A carefully selected group of influencers brought the perfect blend of reach, relevance, and resonance to the table. These weren't just any voices in the crowd; they were the ones that Adobe's B2B marketing audience genuinely valued and trusted.

Want to know the result of choosing the right influencers on LinkedIn? Engagement rates doubled compared to Adobe's previous campaigns, showing that the right partnerships can indeed spark meaningful conversations.

Perhaps even more impressive was the impact on lead generation. This wasn't just about getting attention; it was about turning that attention into tangible business opportunities.

In conclusion, B2B LinkedIn Influencer Marketing is a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal. When done right, it can significantly boost your brand's visibility, credibility, and bottom line. So, why not give it a try? Your next big business opportunity might just be a LinkedIn influencer away!

Looking to save time and drive growth by finding the right influencers for your brand? Passionfroot will help you achieve industry-leading returns and reach your target audience.