Open Doors

Empowering budding designers with curated career advice, job postings, and skills development content every week.

About me

👋 Hey, I'm Florian, and I run the Open Doors newsletter helping junior designers make their first moves in the industry and guiding them towards their first job.

When booking a sponsorship opportunity with Open Doors, you'll reach a motivated audience of designers who are eager to start their journey in UX/UI and Product Design, and are actively seeking opportunities and insights and tools to kickstart their careers.

Previous partnerships

Selected companies I have worked with


The Proven Best

Value package (article placement + sponsored ad)


This has historically brought the best results for my sponsors. Starting with a an article feature of the product produces trust and gains a lot of initial attention while the regular sponsored ad one or two weeks later brings in all those who might have not clicked the first time.



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Open Doors Newsletter



Article Placement

Open Doors Newsletter

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