Niche Site Growth

Tactics, case studies, and more

Minimum Click Guarantee

If your ad doesn't reach the minimum estimated number of clicks, your offer will be mentioned in future issues until the minimum is reached.

Here's the minimum per sponsorship type:

  • Classified Ad: 10 clicks

  • Sponsored Ad: 40 clicks

  • Full Sponsored Issue: 100 clicks

How it works

  1. Submit your request for your selected product and date(s)

  2. Booking confirmation

  3. Invoice & payment

  4. Share your creative assets and copy

  5. The ad goes live

What do we need from you?

For Sponsored Ads:

  • Image: 1:1 aspect ratio or shorter

  • Ad text: up to 150 words

  • Links: you may include up to two links in the ad - make sure it's clear where the links should be placed

For Classified Ads:

  • Ad text: up to 180 characters

  • Link: be sure to specify the anchor text

For a Full Sponsored Issue:

  • Image: 1:1 aspect ratio or shorter

  • Ad text: specify any messaging you want me to include when I mention your product

  • Link: specify anchor text (optional)

Ad placements allowed

Anything related to building or running niche websites, such as:

  • Services

  • Tools

  • Software

  • Products

  • Events

  • Newsletters

No ads that could be construed as politically controversial are allowed.

All ads are subject to my approval.

If we cannot work this out, you will be refunded.

Sponsorship example

An example of what a Sponsored Ad looks like in the newsletter:

Link to past issue

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