Niche Media Publishing
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A shoutout right at the top of the email that can include a small banner, 4 sentences, and a CTA button. Limited to 1 per edition.A shoutout right at the top of the email that can include a small banner, 4 sentences, and a CTA button. Limited to 1 per edition.
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A shoutout right at the top of the email that can include a small banner, 4 sentences, and a CTA button. Get a 10% discount when you buy three ad-slots at once.
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We include an editorial section (200-300 words) discussing your brand or product and how we've implemented it. This is brand prioritization, but we create the copy based on what we know about our audience.
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Text-only ads displayed at the bottom of the newsletter. They can an contain one link and a maximum of 180 characters (no images or emojis!)
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