Chief AI Office

Partner with the only newsletter top VCs, founders, CEOs, VPs read to track the latest VC activity in AI. Also trusted by enterprise sales teams at Oracle, Google, Databricks & many more.

Main Ad example

An example of what your Sponsorship might look like in the newsletter. This one had more than 70+ clicks (3.34% CTR)

Link to past issue

Pitch Deck Tweet

A demo of the product + Pitch Deck in the thread. This one got over 50k+ impressions within 24 hours

Funding Announcement

This announcement for Thoughtly with a demo generated 50k+ impressions on just a single tweet (threads get higher impressions)

How it works

  1. Submit your request for your selected product and date(s)

  2. Booking confirmation

  3. Invoice & Payment

  4. Share your creative assets and copy

  5. The ad goes live

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